Comprehensive direction for launching a kitchenware brand that blends the finest craftsmanship and design from Japan to the world.

その一環として、新たに〝日本のクラフツマンシップと機能美が融合したプレミアムなライフスタイルブランド〟というコンセプトのもと、ワイヨット社オリジナルブランド「Y.YACHT PRODUCTS」の立ち上げに着手。ブランドのコンセプトメイキングから企画開発、製品デザイン、パッケージデザインに至るまでトータルでディレクションを手掛けました。まず、世界の一流品を扱うキッチン・ダイニング用品のプロが、世界に誇る日本のクラフツマンシップを集結させたものづくりをしよう、というところからはじまり、製品の品質への絶対的な自信を込め、社名を冠したブランド名を考案。
Directing the launch of a lifestyle brand fusing top-notch craftsmanship and design
Founded in 1949, Y.YACHT is a specialized lifestyle products trading company, with a focus on kitchen and dining. We engage in direct imports of foreign brands, collaborate with renowned domestic and international manufacturers for joint product development and wholesale distribution.
Starting in 2022, we have undertaken a comprehensive rebranding of the entire company. As part of this initiative, we launched the original brand ‘Y.YACHT PRODUCTS’ under the concept of a premium lifestyle brand, blending Japanese craftsmanship and functional beauty. I took on total direction from concept creation to planning, product design, and package design.
Y.YACHT Co.,Ltd.
Sector :
Life Style
Capabilities :
Logo design
Product design
Package design
Graphic design
Web design
Year :

また、パッケージは、ディレクター川村明子による、森とオウムのモチーフのイラストレーションを軸に、ワイ・ヨット社の象徴であるヨットのロゴを配した遊び心溢れるデザインに。長く使い続けられる一流品を提案することが、環境を配慮したサステナブルなものづくりと考える「Y.YACHT PRODUCTS」のブランドのメッセージを体現しています。
The inaugural product, ‘YUKIHIRA,’ is based on the traditional Japanese cooking utensil, the Yukihiro pot. We enhanced its functionality, tailored it to modern lifestyles, and crafted a design that seamlessly complements both Japanese and Western kitchens. After extensive prototyping over an extended period, we achieved the creation of a product that excels in both usability and quality.
Additionally, the packaging features illustrations by Director Akiko Kawamura, incorporating motifs of forests, parrots, and the yacht logo. This design embodies the brand’s message of proposing high-quality products meant for long-term use, reflecting a commitment to environmentally conscious and sustainable craftsmanship.