Rebranding for a lifestyle product specialist focused on kitchen and dining. Handling comprehensive direction from logo to products and stores.

コロナ禍で時代の変化とともにリテール業へのシフトを検、会社全体のリブランディングの相談を受託。そこで、ロゴデザイン、展示会出展時のスローガン策定、百貨店売場の内装デザイン、自社既存ブランドのロゴリニューアルなどを行いました。 企業ロゴのデザインは、創業時のメイン事業であった海外輸出向けの美術品置物や装飾品につけられていたヨットマークを復活させ、「新しい発見と感動の旅を共に」というスローガンを提案しリブランディングを進めました。
Rebranding to strengthen lifestyle trading company’s retail presence
Rebranding of a trading company established in 1949 specializing in lifestyle products, especially kitchen and dining, with a view to shifting to the retail business.
The project included logo design, formulation of slogans for exhibiting at trade shows, interior design for a department store sales floor, and logo renewal for the company’s existing brands. For the corporate logo design, we revived the yacht mark that had been attached to art works for export, which had been the company’s main business when it was founded, and proposed the slogan, “Sharing a journey of new discoveries and excitement.
Y.Yacht Co., Ltd.
Bumon Name :
Life Style
Capabilities :
Corporate Logo Design
Display and Booth Design for Exhibition
Concept design for the new brand
Product Design
Advertising visual art direction
Year :
2021 – 2023

また、SDGsをテーマとした製品ラインの名称「The Y」と名づけ、同ラインのロゴと、LIVING WITH NATUREをテーマとした、環境を配慮したものづくりを前面に打ち出す循環型エコ商品というコンセプトを立案。
リテール事業については、富裕層をターゲットとした新業態を開発するタイミングで森ビル社を紹介、麻布台ヒルズ出店へと繋ぎ、店舗名「Y.YACHT STORE」を考案した他、内装デザインも担当。海のブルーとSDGsのグリーンをキーカラーとするインテリアのテーマを設定、メインターゲットである富裕層向けのコンシェルジュサービス、顧客へのライフスタイル提案ができる設備・家具を選定するなどコンテンツのアドバイスも行いました。
The company also named its SDG-themed product line “The Y,” and drafted a logo for the line and a concept of recycling-oriented eco-products that foregrounds environmentally conscious manufacturing under the theme of LIVING WITH NATURE
In the retail business, we brokered the opening of the Azabudai Hills store, and in addition to devising the store name “Y.YACHT STORE,” we were also in charge of the interior design. We also advised on the selection of interior design themes, including the key colors of ocean blue and SDGs green, concierge services for wealthy customers, and the selection of equipment and furniture for lifestyle proposals to customers.
In addition, with the launch of the new business model, he designed and planned and developed original products to promote Japanese craftsmanship to the world.