To effectively reach the brand concept, we enhanced PR efforts, primarily focusing on lifestyle and men’s media

Free your mind, Design your futureをコンセプトに、2017年に鎌倉で創業した「populomobile(ポプロモビル)」は、元大手自動車メーカーのカーデザイナー、山田敦彦氏が独立して立ち上げた自転車ブランドです。車のデザイン哲学を活かして、Made in Japanの高品質な製品を世界に広めたいという理念をもって企画開発しています。
そこで、男性向けメディアを中心にPRを実施。ライフスタイル誌、メンズファッション誌で掲載され、人気雑誌『サファリ』のオンラインショップでの展開もスタート。さらに、松屋銀座のメンズフロアでの展示、話題の体験型ストア「b8ta shop」での展示販売などブランドの認知向上とともに販路拡大にも貢献しました。
Network for Targeted Brand Image
Founded in Kamakura in 2017 with the concept ‘Free your mind, Design your future,’ ‘populomobile’ is a bicycle brand launched by a former car designer from a major automotive manufacturer. They develop high-quality, Made in Japan products with the philosophy of car design and aim to spread them worldwide.
They sought to promote this idea and identified the need to strengthen their PR activities to enhance brand recognition.
To address this, they conducted PR primarily in men’s magazines, gaining coverage in lifestyle and men’s fashion publications, including being featured in the popular magazine ‘Safari’ online shop. Furthermore, they displayed their products on the men’s floor of Matsuya Ginza and participated in the innovative experiential store ‘b8ta shop,’ contributing not only to brand recognition but also expanding their sales channels.
populomobile Ltd.
Sector :
Life Style
Capabilities :
Sales Support
Year :