Integrated design from conception to realization linking food and agriculture

VISONを企画開発したアクアイグニス代表の立花氏からの依頼を受け、6年という長い歳月をかけ、レストランのコンセプトワーク、ロゴデザイン、オリジナルグッズのデザイン、建物の外装・内装デザイン、サイン計画など全体のプロデュースとアートディレクションを手掛けました。またレストランの名前 「NOUNIYELL」は「農にエール」という願いを込めてクリエイティブディレクターの川村がネーミングしたものです。
まず、キユーピー株式会社の協力により「農園エリア」をコンセプトの立案から携わりました。1000年続く村づくりを目指して、土と命を守る担い手の育成や有機農業の普及、教育、有機食品の検査認証などを行う「公益社団法人 全国愛農会」会長の村上真平氏が監修する、敷地約9000平米のサスティナブルなオーガニック農園を運営。ここでは、持続可能な農業システムやデザインを取り入れた“パーマカルチャー”を実践しています。
Integrated design from conception to realization linking food and agriculture
NOUNIYELL is a farm restaurant that opened in “VISON,” a commercial facility based on “healing, food, and knowledge” in Taki County, Mie Prefecture in 2021.
Over the course of six years, we undertook the overall production and art direction, including conceptual work, logo design, original merchandise design, exterior and interior design of the building, and signage planning for the restaurant. The restaurant’s name, ‘NOUNIYELL,’ was coined by Creative Director Kawamura, with the wish ‘Cheers to Agriculture’ imbued in it
First, we were involved in the conceptualization of the “farm area” with the cooperation of Kewpie Corporation, a 9,000-square-meter sustainable organic farm supervised by Shinpei Murakami, chairman of the “National Ai-No-Kai (Public Interest Incorporated Association),” with the aim of creating a village that will last for 1,000 years. The farm practices “permaculture,” incorporating sustainable farming systems and design.
Vison Taki Co., Ltd.
Sector :
Capabilities :
Logo design
Architectural planning
Interior styling
Graphic design
Year :

The farm restaurant “NOUNIYELL,” supervised by Italian chef Masayuki Okuda, offers a menu featuring vegetables grown on the farm and other fresh ingredients from the Mie suburbs. We invented the name for the restaurant and designed the exterior and interior.
This was an important development of the farm area for VISON in its pursuit of sustainability, giving shape to its vision of the entire area becoming a place of learning through food-related experiences.