Nichi Nichi Dogu
RevampingY.Yacht’s “Nichinichi Dougu” brand with a new name, logo, and packaging.

和食用の調理道具を通じ「丁寧な食文化のあるニッポンの暮らし」を次世代に伝えることをコンセプトに、世界に誇れるカルチャーとして「Rediscovery Japan!」を打ち出すブランドへと再定義。そこで、 ネーミングを「にちにち道具」へと改め、パッケージデザインも大幅にリニューアルしました。
ロゴは海外展開も視野に入れ、記号的にも一目でジャパンブランドと認識してもらえるよう日本特有の文字である「ひらがな」を採用。 シンボルマークは、料理に欠かすことのできない火と水をモチーフに展開しています。同時に、人と人が向かい合って食卓を囲むイメージも込めています。
Redefining a brand that shares Japan’s mindful living through traditional kitchen tools.
As part of Y.Yacht’s comprehensive rebranding of its kitchen and dining lifestyle products, the original brand “Nichi Nichi Dogu” has been refined.
The brand has been redefined with the concept of preserving Japan’s “mindful culinary culture” through traditional kitchen tools, aiming to pass this way of life to future generations. The new vision, “Rediscovery Japan!”, positions the brand as a source of cultural pride globally. The brand name has been updated to “Nichi Nichi Dogu,” along with a complete overhaul of the logo and packaging.
The logo incorporates hiragana, a uniquely Japanese script, to symbolize a Japan-brand identity easily recognizable even abroad. The symbol mark is inspired by essential elements in cooking—fire and water—while also representing the concept of people gathering around a table.
The packaging primarily features white and indigo for a clean, sophisticated look. For products intended as gifts, vibrant colors and traditional patterns inspired by ukiyo-e were introduced to catch attention on display.
Y.Yacht Co., Ltd.
Bumon Name :
Life Style
Capabilities :
Art direction
Logo design
Package design
Year :
2021 – 2023