ラグジュアリー ゴルフアパレルブランドのメディア戦略による認知拡大と、話題性の高いコラボレーションを斡旋。
Expand awareness of luxury golf apparel brands through media strategy and mediate high-profile collaborations.

「MARK & LONA」「HORN GARMENT」「gravis golf」の3ブランドを扱う、ゴルフを通じてプレミアムライフスタイルを提案するアパレルブランド、株式会社キューブ。
「MARK & LONA」は、これまで保守的なスタイルが常識だったゴルフアパレルの世界に、独特のコンセプトとデザイン感覚を持ち込み、世界初の ラグジュアリー ゴルフというジャンルを築きました。 シーズンごとにユニークなコレクションを発表し、ゴルフアパレルとは思えない斬新なデザイン性と、上質な素材と高い機能性を追求し、妥協のないモノ作りを行っています。
Expanding awareness of luxury golf apparel brand through media strategy
MARK & LONA established the world’s first luxury golf genre with its innovative and unique concept and design sense that is not considered golf apparel.
To promote this concept, we advised on the selection of target media. We suggested approaching media with highly fashion-sensitive readers and national newspapers. We were also commissioned to consult with sports brands, characters, and other collaborators.
The opening of the new Roppongi Hills store led to successful exposure in numerous fashion and lifestyle magazines through the recruitment of editors and stylists. A golf competition was also organized to promote interaction with well-known media. In addition, we introduced the Pokemon company to the public and helped generate sales and buzz through the release of collaborative products.
Cube Co., Ltd.
Sector :
Capabilities :
Media Strategy
Sales Consulting
Year :