
Apollo & Char Companyは、デザインを通じて、企業のブランディング、新規事業の立ち上げのサポートを得意とするクリエイティブカンパニーです。クライアントの声に耳を傾けることで、フィロソフィからヴィジョンの考案、その先の未来への道筋を切り拓き、本来の特長を引き出します。ファッション、食品、SDGs関連、地方創生事業を軸に業種の垣根を越えて多岐にわたり、コンセプト立案、CI、商品開発、プロダクトやパッケージデザイン、オフィスや店舗の内装デザイン、ウェブデザイン、PR・プロモーション、マーケティング戦略まで、一貫してクライアントに寄り添い進めていきます。
For the bright future of children. Contributing to society through the power of ideas and design.
Apollo & Char Company is a creative company that specializes in supporting corporate branding and new business launches through design.
By listening to the client’s voice, we develop a vision from a philosophy, and then open up a path to the future, bringing out the original features of the client’s business. We work with clients in a wide range of fields beyond the boundaries of industry, including fashion, food, SDGs, and regional development projects, and consistently work with them on concept planning, CI, product development, product and package design, office and store interior design, web design, PR and promotion, and marketing strategies. We work closely with our clients in all aspects of our work.

神奈川県出身。青山学院大学文学部英米文学科卒。伊・ZEGNA、仏・YSL、伊・TOD’SのPR・マーケティング部門責任者を経て2013年トッズ・ジャパン代表取締役に就任。2021年に友人で(株)Apollo&Char Companyの川村明子氏から代表を引き継ぎCEOに就任。(株)エイタブリッシュ、ドッツウィル(株)、松徳学園東京ファッション専門学校理事を務める。
Born in Kanagawa-ken. Graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University with BA in UK&US Literature.
After having worked as PR/Marketing Director at Zegna Japan, K.K. and Yves Saint Laurent Div. of Gucci Group Japan Ltd. (Kering Japan), joined Tod’s Japan K.K. as Representative Director in 2013.
In 2021 joined Apollo & Char Company and took over the position of CEO from Akiko Kawamura.
A board member of Eightablish Co., Ltd. and of Dotswill Ltd. and Director of Shotoku Gakuen Tokyo Fashion Institute.

愛知県出身。ニューヨークの美術大学School Of Visual Arts, Graphic Design学部卒業。Rhodes Family Award受賞。帰国後、企業での勤務を経て20代で独立しデザイン会社Double Ow Eightを設立。大手企業のアートディレクションやブランディング、ロゴやパッケージデザイン、広告デザインを手がける。ヴィーガンカフェの草分けエイタブリッシュ主宰。2014年(株)Apollo&Char Company、2020年社会貢献をスローガンに掲げるドッツウィル(株) 設立。
Born in Aichi-ken. Graduated from School of Visual Arts in New York City with BA in Graphic Design. A recipient of the Rhodes Family Award. After having worked for Japanese companies, started in her 20’s a new graphic design company called Double Ow Eight. Performed services for major clients in art direction, branding, designing logos, packagings and advertising displays. The Chairperson of Eightablish, the first vegan cafe in Japan. Founded Apollo & Char Company in 2014. Founded Dotswill, Ltd., with philanthropic beliefs in 2020.

東京都出身。文化服装学院デザイン専攻科卒業。アパレル企業勤務を経て2011年にエイタブリッシュ入社。(株)Apollo & Char Companyにてアートディレクターを務める他、エイタブリッシュでは営業・広報も兼務。
Born in Tokyo. Graduated from Bunka Fashion College with major in Fashion Design. After having worked for an apparel company, joined Eightablish Co., Ltd. in 2011 as Art Director, also responsible for PR/Sales.

Born in Seoul, South Korea. Graduated from Tama Art University with BA in Media Art/Information Design. Having pursued the diverse art forms mainly in art installations, won the best design award. After graduation, joined an interior design company as assistant designer/planner and helped design interior landscape of world-famous designer brands’ stores and multi-purpose department stores.

高知県出身。関西学院大学卒業。2003年高知県庁入庁。企業誘致、産業人材の育成など、産業振興に携わる。2024年(株)Apollo&Char Company入社。
Born in Kochi Prefecture. Graduated from Kwansei Gakuin University. Joined Kochi Prefectural Government in 2003. Engaged in industrial promotion, including attracting companies and educating industrial talent. Joined Apollo & Char Company in April 2024.

埼玉県出身。早稲田大学商学部卒業。1999年よりファッション雑誌「流行通信」編集部在籍、2002年 同誌副編集長に就任。2006年より「Numero TOKYO」編集部に参加し、ファッションフィーチャーディレクター、ウェブコンテンツディレクターを経て、2019年独立。現在、クリエイティブディレクターとしてブランドのカタログ、ウェブサイト、オンラインストア等の編集ディレクションを手掛ける。2023年より(株)Apollo & Char Companyに参加。
Born in Saitama-ken. Graduated from Waseda University with BA in Commerce. Worked at editorial section of fashion magazine, called “Ryuko Tsushin” from 1999. Got promoted to Deputy Editor in 2002. In 2006 joined editorial section of “Numero Tokyo” magazine as Fashion Feature Director/Web Contents Director. In 2019, became a freelancer and started working as Creative Director on editing/directing catalogs, websites, and online stores. Joined Apollo & Char Company in 2023.
We are
the creative company
that specialized
Apollo & Char Companyは、デザインを通じて、企業のブランディング、新規事業の立ち上げのサポートを得意とするクリエイティブカンパニーです。